Where we are – Bilang Centre

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To learn foreign languages successfully

Where we are

Ispra, Busto Arsizio


The Academic bilingual centre Bilang Centre (head school) and the Theatre Lab’s Camps are situated in a small  charming town Ispra (4673 population) on the shore of Lake Maggiore. The nearest big city is Milan around 60 km. There is also a scenic lakefront promenade, marina, small beach and lakeside bars.

Lago Maggiore is a glacial lake (alt. 193m), extending north into Switzerland. It is the second largest lake in Italy. Lago Maggiore is the long (68 km), dark lake. The jewels of Lake Maggiore are the Borromean Islands: Isola Bella, with its enchanting gardens, Isola Madre, Isola dei Pescatori. At the margin of the bay there are towns of Stresa and Baveno, the Verbania districts of Pallanza. Stresa has become renowned as the “Pearl of Verbania” and all together these places have the highest share of tourists throughout the whole of Lago Maggiore.

In 2006 “Bilang centre” opened the Russian school

In 2010 “Bilang centre” signed  the agreement with the “Didactic centre of Angera”,  then reorganized  in  “Comprehensive Institute of Angera”,  in order to organize the Volunteer programs

Since 2010 Bilang centre has been organizing the “Foreign language courses” for kids, teens and adults.

During the summer the “Bilang Centre” offers the “The Summer Intensive Immersion Program”Italian, English and Russian from introductory to advanced levels. The program is offered in two and four-week sessions.


Busto Arsizio

Busto Arsizio (Lombardy, Province of Varese) is located 11 km from Milan airports  “Malpensa”, 34 km from Milan and 28 km from Varese. Busto Arsizio is an industrial and commercial centre of primary importance, it has been well known in the textile sector since the middle Ages, but became famous in later centuries, when the first industry found an important aid to development using the water of the Olona River. The proximity to Milan and the tradition of hard work well established among its inhabitants make Busto Arsizio a town in the forefront in the industrial sector. Today it has diversified its activities by investing in innovation and services.

The most remarkable example of Renaissance art in Busto Arsizio is the Sanctuary of Santa Maria di Piazza, built at the beginning of the XVI century. Baroque art is represented by the basilica of St. John the Baptist, built by Francesco Maria Richini in the first half of the XVII century. In addition the villas, large houses and the art nouveau industrial structures which spread throughout the centre of the town during the industrial development are important; it is worth mentioning the villas Ottolini Tosi and Tovaglieri opposite the premises of the old Cotton mill of Busto, a wonderful jewel of industrial archeology, which today houses the Textile Museum.

The Russian school has been organized since January, 2012

The English school has been organized  since  November, 2013